
Industrial Security, Nashik - Uniform Donated by Lokesh Pichaya

Uniform Donated To Care Takers of Forest

Industrial Security is engaged with the Social Causes as Uniform Donation to Care Takers of Forest. Dozens of Security Uniforms were donated to care takers of forest. We understand the benefit of forest to living and care takers caring forest like thier own child. The Forest Watchers are the foot soldiers of the forest department. They are poorly paid and undertake dangerous jobs such as pursuing armed poachers and driving elephants from scenes of conflict. These watchers are poorly equipped to deal with the perils of their jobs.

Industrial Security, Nashik - Fire & Safety Training Program

Fire & Safety Training Program

Industrial Security Fire & Safety Training Program can teach guards how to recognize fire hazards, conduct a fire safety risk assessment, prevent a workplace fire, and respond if a fire occurs. Fire safety training begins by identifying the basic properties of fire.

Industrial Security, Nashik - Fire & Safety Training Program

Independence Day & Republic Day Celebration

Industrial Security is enthusiastically conducted Independence Day & Republic Day regularly. Flag Hoisting ceremonies and parades by security guards are held. Republic Day is celebrated in the honour of the date when the Constitution of India came into effect. It was this day when the country’s transformation towards becoming independent had begun.

Industrial Security, Nashik - Prime Ministers Relief Fund, Flood & Earthquake

Prime Ministers Relief Fund, Flood & Earthquake

Industrial Security is engaged with the Social Causes as Prime Ministers Relief Fund, Flood & Earthquake. Prime Minister's National Relief Fund (PMNRF) in India is the fund raised to provide support for people affected by natural and man made disasters.
Natural disasters covered under this include flood, cyclone, earthquake etc. Man made disasters include major accidents, acid attacks, riots etc.

Industrial Security, Nashik - Nashik Ambulance Services 108.

Nashik Ambulance Services 108

Industrial Security, realizing the indispensable role of ambulance services in emergency pre-hospital medical care, patient transfer, ease of access to health services particularly to rural areas has undertaken initiative of providing ambulances to Government hospitals / Medical colleges / Rural Health Centers as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program.

Industrial Security, Nashik - Nature Conservation Society Nashik (NCSN)

Nature Conservation Society Nashik (NCSN)

Nature Conservation Society of Nashik (NCSN), is a group of Nashik nature lovers, wildlife observers, trekkers, biologists and conservationists with a shared vision and deep commitment for the conservation of nature and environment. The NCSN team hopes to create not only awareness but affection for nature by involving public in general and children from urban and rural areas. The Society has steadily extended its activity throughout the district.

Industrial Security, Nashik - Animal Welfare, Rescue Center

Animal Welfare, Rescue Center

Industrial Security is engaged with the Social Causes as Animal Welfare, Rescue Center. It is impossible for the government to bring about change as the needs are so many. NGOs have the focus, know-how, strategic thinking, and commitment but they need the financial strength to enable widespread social transformation. Partnerships between corporations, NGOs and the government will speed everything up.

Industrial Security, Nashik - Forest Plantation

Forest Plantation

We believe it is time to shift from manicured landscapes to purpose based plantations that contribute to better air quality, water conservation, checking global warming and supporting the overall ecosystem. Forests and trees make vital contributions both to people and the planet, bolstering livelihoods, providing clean air and water, conserving biodiversity and responding to climate change. Industrial Security enthusiastically take initiative to Plant Tress in Village.

Industrial Security, Nashik - Forest Plantation

Day Care Center

We understand the importance of good education being a Fundamental Right of every child in the country. Industrial Security finances the education of under privileged children to ensure a better future for the children and the country going forward.